Andy Leverenz

Rails UI by Andy Leverenz

Professionally designed UI components & templates made exclusively for Ruby on Rails.

Visit Rails UI

Rails UI is a toolkit that helps speed up front-end development for Ruby on Rails applications.

It takes a theme-based approach to design, with themes providing the base styles for components and pages.

Developers can choose a theme during installation, which then generates configuration files and installs assets and dependencies for that theme.

The goal is to make it easier for developers to build apps with professional, engaging designs by providing pre-built user interface elements and templates that are customisable.

Rails UI aims to allow developers to focus on building features rather than designing interfaces from scratch.


  • $0

Free while in Alpha. Eventually there will be a licence fee. You can become an early supporter and retain access to Rails UI for good.

All licences include

  • Design system for Ruby on Rails apps
  • Theme-based approach, consistent aesthetic
  • Pages
  • Flash messages
  • Mailer templates
  • Authentication (layout, styling)
  • Interaction (Stimulus.js, Turbo, Hotwire)

Rails UI

Languages / frameworks

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Tailwind CSS
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