Steve Farnworth

StarterJuice by Steve Farnworth

A Ruby on Rails SaaS starter kit that takes you from idea to users in minutes.

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StarterJuice is a Ruby on Rails starter kit that aims to help developers build web applications quickly.

Some key points:

  • It provides a base Rails application template that includes user authentication, payments functionality, transactional emails and a Tailwind CSS design out of the box.

  • Developers can use the StarterJuice command line interface to generate new applications based on this template in minutes.

  • Additional features like smart scaffolds that generate backend code from field definitions and an AI wrapper are also included.

The maker hopes this will help developers get their ideas to users more quickly compared to building applications from scratch each time.


  • $99 for 1 application
  • $169/year for 12 applications

All licences include

  • AI Wrapper Included
  • Database (SQLite, PostgreSQL)
  • Payments and Subscriptions
  • Smart Scaffolds
  • Transactional Email
  • User Authentication


Optimised hosting

  • Digital Ocean

Payment processors

  • Lemon Squeezy

Languages / frameworks

  • Ruby on Rails
  • Tailwind CSS
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